The guest speakers at the Exchange club of Brunswick's weekly meeting was the C.I.A. Club. The founders Allen and Jodi Benner told the club about the C.I.A. (Children in Action) club. CIA is intentional in building relationships with children ages 7-12, in Glynn county and surrounding areas, by creating a Christ-centered environment - through sports - to experience, accept, and exercise a Christ-centered lifestyle, leading to a self sustaining life.
The Mission
CIA utilize sports and physical activities as an outreach to children, youth and adults to build character, excellence, and teamwork. By increasing physical activity, as a team, our programs put into action the gospel of Jesus Christ through relationship building, character building, and one-on-one interactions with participants during practice, game and devotion times.
Summer Outreach offers free recreational ministry to local boys & girls between the ages of 7 and 12.
Barnabas Club offers free recreational ministry after-school to local boys & girls between the ages of 7 and 12.
Activities include:
- A healthy snack
- 90 minutes physical activity
- different physical activities daily
- 30 minutes character development
- 45 minutes homework
- All activities are Christ-centered, bringing children from
different socioeconomic backgrounds together and encouraging: Character - the importance of making good choices
- Excellence - doing your best
- Teamwork - demonstrating what is achievable through working together...
To volunteer or to donate to the CIA club visit their web site http://www.ciasportsclub.org
Contact Number: 912-332-8000